Creation date: 14 July 2022
Last update: 5 months ago
Time to read: 5 minute
How can a co-working space help you achieve work-life balance?
What is Work-Life Balance?
This is one of the major concerns of individuals in today’s corporate lives, creating a healthy balance between work and life. Many people have a problem creating that boundary when working from home or remotely in general. It is important to have that line between work and your personal life since it brings peace of mind. For instance, if you spend long hours in the office and give no attention to your personal life, you get to miss out on the little joys that life brings. This mostly could affect how you work since we all need time to recharge. One of your most important priorities should be to create a balance between your work duties and life in general so that you can experience high performance at work.
We have seen in pervious blogs including, everything you need to know about coworking spaces, how having your office set up in a coworking space for rent can help create this boundary and in this blog, as well, we are going to provide you with working solutions that will help you to create a work-life balance.
6 factors about the coworking spaces that contribute significantly to achieving a work- life balance
The shared work space concept, which we talked about before when we explained why the coworking spaces are becoming more popular, is one of the most important factors in creating a balance between life and work. You can enjoy this advantage to a great extent by getting a coworking space for rent.
The level of flexibility in a shared work space environment
As we mentioned in previous blogs, on some of the advantages of working in a shared workspace is the level of flexibility in the coworking space packages. The flexibility of your workspace is directly related to how productive you will be.
To increase your work efficiency, you need to create a balance in your life and work by setting boundaries on your work hours. Creating that boundary in work hours can increase your productivity level since you do not lose on either side. By increasing productivity, you are able to focus more on your tasks and end up doing more in less time.
Saving on time and commute energy
Have you ever paid attention to the commute of your employees? How many hours they spend on the way coming to work?
The commuting from home to work every day especially when the distance is quite long, could directly reduce the energy the team puts into their work. This causes their work result to be less satisfactory. So, you will not see the best of your team since they also go home from work tired.
Improves social interaction and networking
While working remotely is considered a very good way to get work done, it can some times be very isolating as we have seen in our previous blogs where we compare how it is working from home as opposed to working in a shared work space, you get to see that most times, those who choose to set up their work stations in a coworking space get to enjoy the company of likeminded individuals who challenge you to be better.
You can customize your work environment
The mare fact that you can get to choose from different shared work spaces around you depending on your work style or mood, is exactly why you need to consider getting set up at a shared workspace for rent. It allows you to have full control over your day and your work environment helping you have more balance and maintain a work-life balance.
From our blog, which is better between working from home and at a shared work space, we see that the main diving force of coworking spaces and why shared work spaces for hire have becoming popular is because you can be able to create your own work culture and experience the freedom of work-life balance.
Reduces work burn out
When working from home, it is not easy to get a break from work. At times you may even find that you end up working the entire day or not at all since you may either get distracted by home duties or neglect them all together. It can cause a huge burn out problem in the long run since you do not notice how much time you put into your work until you body starts showing signs of fatigue. As part of everything you need to know about coworking spaces, you get to understand the importance of separation, and the concept of shared work spaces gives just that.
Developing healthy work habit
It is important to develop a healthy habit when working since it can be translated to how you deliver results. We saw a lot of people who tried working remotely during the corona virus and it was a bit difficult to do minor activities like holding meetings, since most people held them in bed. It is a laughable yet serious issue since it is shows in how you deliver your results.
This is where the emergence of coworking spaces for rent became such a popular thing since most people felt the need to separate their work life and develop healthier work habits. We have seen the benefits of setting up offices in a shared work space and developing a healthy work habit has to be among the first since, it directly affects how you do your work and how your clients perceive you.
Share your experience with us on having your business be part of a coworking space community below:
How can a co-working space help you achieve work-life balance?
What is Work-Life Balance?
This is one of the major concerns of individuals in today’s corporate lives, creating a healthy balance between work and life. Many people have a problem creating that boundary when working from home or remotely in general. It is important to have that line between work and your personal life since it brings peace of mind. For instance, if you spend long hours in the office and give no attention to your personal life, you get to miss out on the little joys that life brings. This mostly could affect how you work since we all need time to recharge. One of your most important priorities should be to create a balance between your work duties and life in general so that you can experience high performance at work.
We have seen in pervious blogs including, everything you need to know about coworking spaces, how having your office set up in a coworking space for rent can help create this boundary and in this blog, as well, we are going to provide you with working solutions that will help you to create a work-life balance.
The shared work space concept, which we talked about before when we explained why the coworking spaces are becoming more popular, is one of the most important factors in creating a balance between life and work. You can enjoy this advantage to a great extent by getting a coworking space for rent.
6 factors about the coworking spaces that contribute significantly to achieving a work- life balance
The level of flexibility in a shared work space environment
As we mentioned in previous blogs, on some of the advantages of working in a shared workspace is the level of flexibility in the coworking space packages. The flexibility of your workspace is directly related to how productive you will be.
To increase your work efficiency, you need to create a balance in your life and work by setting boundaries on your work hours. Creating that boundary in work hours can increase your productivity level since you do not lose on either side. By increasing productivity, you are able to focus more on your tasks and end up doing more in less time.
Have you ever paid attention to the commute of your employees? How many hours they spend on the way coming to work?
The commuting from home to work every day especially when the distance is quite long, could directly reduce the energy the team puts into their work. This causes their work result to be less satisfactory. So, you will not see the best of your team since they also go home from work tired.
Saving on time and commute energy
Improves social interaction and networking
While working remotely is considered a very good way to get work done, it can some times be very isolating as we have seen in our previous blogs where we compare how it is working from home as opposed to working in a shared work space, you get to see that most times, those who choose to set up their work stations in a coworking space get to enjoy the company of likeminded individuals who challenge you to be better.
The mare fact that you can get to choose from different shared work spaces around you depending on your work style or mood, is exactly why you need to consider getting set up at a shared workspace for rent. It allows you to have full control over your day and your work environment helping you have more balance and maintain a work-life balance.
From our blog, which is better between working from home and at a shared work space, we see that the main diving force of coworking spaces and why shared work spaces for hire have becoming popular is because you can be able to create your own work culture and experience the freedom of work-life balance.
You can customize your work environment
Reduces work burn out
When working from home, it is not easy to get a break from work. At times you may even find that you end up working the entire day or not at all since you may either get distracted by home duties or neglect them all together. It can cause a huge burn out problem in the long run since you do not notice how much time you put into your work until you body starts showing signs of fatigue. As part of everything you need to know about coworking spaces, you get to understand the importance of separation, and the concept of shared work spaces gives just that.
It is important to develop a healthy habit when working since it can be translated to how you deliver results. We saw a lot of people who tried working remotely during the corona virus and it was a bit difficult to do minor activities like holding meetings, since most people held them in bed. It is a laughable yet serious issue since it is shows in how you deliver your results.
This is where the emergence of coworking spaces for rent became such a popular thing since most people felt the need to separate their work life and develop healthier work habits. We have seen the benefits of setting up offices in a shared work space and developing a healthy work habit has to be among the first since, it directly affects how you do your work and how your clients perceive you.
Developing healthy work habit