Creation date: 7 months ago
Last update: 4 months ago
Time to read: 7 minute
Working at home or working in a coworking space? Which is better?
Where did it all begin?
Over the past years, there has been emergence of remote work and types of work arrangements that allow your team to work from home or from the comfort of their location. This was all brought by the growth of technology due to the world stopping corona virus. It became the way to go for every existing companies to move forward and ensure business continues.
It was a huge transition that was forced into action even though in hinde sight we knew that eventually, that was where the corporate world was going to end up. Having meetings online from home slowly become more common to do since life as we knew it was beginning to change.
We are going to compare what it is like to work from home as compared to using a shared working space we will go over a few advantages and disadvantages of both scenarios as we explain the two concepts.
What does it mean to work from home?
This means getting your work done from a location that is not the normal office space set up where you work full time from an office.
This works best for companies that mostly do not require physical presence of its employees. For industries like remote jobs, virtual assistance jobs or departments like field agents where being in the office would mean not having work done, this type of set-up where they work from wherever their location is, works best.
Advantages of working from home: Increased productivity
One of the most important causes of low efficiency is a lack of concentration. Therefore, one of the main factors in choosing a workspace is the allowance it gives you to focus. Most of the times, working from home allows you to work from a state of rest and this improves how you handle tasks since you get to work from a point of comfort this improves your productivity level.
Advantages of working from home: No commuting
The main stress of working from a traditional office space is the idea of having to commute from home to your work place, this could cause some level of fatigue most especially if you work every day of the week, the exhaustion of the week builds up and by the time you are attending a meeting on a Friday, you can not wait for the weekend so you can get your rest in.
Advantages of working from home: Saving on cost
Working from home, is one of the most cost-effective ways to get work done, for most start-up companies that barely have enough to sustain an office space choose to have the team work from, they opt to have them work from home so as not to worry about costs of things like office utilities, or equipment.
Advantages of working from home: Flexibility
When you work from home, then it becomes easy to fit your work schedule into your day to day life, when you are able to fit your work schedule to your life you are able to plan for your day and whether you choose to work longer so you have more rest days that is totally up to you.
Advantages of working from home: Exposure to global projects
When you choose to work from home, you become open to exploring job opportunities that expose you to a global pool of opportunities. This increases your experience and could possibly have you work in industries that are not available in your current location.
These factors are very important for choosing a workspace. Everyone must first know themselves and work in both environments. After a while, evaluate the above factors and choose your work environment by comparing the results.
3 Disadvantages of working from home
Working from home has its benefits and disadvantage. Here are some disadvantages of working from home.
As we have seen in our previous blog, factors about coworking spaces, it is important to build a community in your field of practise since these are the people to take part on advancing your career and offering you advise on certain matters. This would not be possible to build while working alone at home.
When you work alone at home, the possibility of lagging behind and being unable to maintain a routine can be one of the struggles you face since there is the absence of accountability.
It is common that when you work from home, you will not lack a minute or two where you get a bit side tracked by those in the house, the chances are slim that you wake up and get ready to start work without having to attend to chores or getting tempted to spend time browsing.
Working from a coworking space
Having a work station at a shared office space means working within a community, an environment that allows you to build a community and share your experiences. In our blog about why coworking spaces are becoming more popular, we are able to see the reasons why companies result to taking up coworking spaces.
Here are 5 advantages of using a coworking space
There are a few reasons why you could choose a coworking space to set up your business some of the benefits are highlighted below.
Setting up your office at a coworking space for rent gives you access to facilities that would normally be available to people who have rental private offices. Amenities like, the internet, printing services, access to meeting rooms for your meetings and for some shared spaces, you get access to the kitchen for storing your meals.
It is common for every person to need a community most of all when you are starting out in your career for most start-ups and entrepreneurs, it is important to build a sense of community around you to work together in the event you need advice or to share leads in business. A shared coworking space allows you to gain a business community.
Having a shared coworking space is an affordable plan as compared to having to lease a private office space for you and your growing team. The costs that come with getting a serviced private office could be draining to a growing business since you would need most of your capital to increase the company’s income and make your teams working conditions bearable.
Working in a shared working space means that you have people you interact with, this helps improve your network and gets you opportunities like attending events, workshops or getting into spaces that have you staying on top of industry trends this gives you relevance in your field of practise.
2 Disadvantages of working at a coworking space
Having a shared workspace exposes you to lack of privacy, when you hold meetings you hold them in the company of the people you are sharing the work station with, unless you are able to take up a meeting room for rent to hold you meetings or pick up client calls.
For most coworking space facilities, they have set times where they operate, it can be limiting when your working hours are a bit unconventional, mostly when you work remotely, the working hours are commonly from the evening into the night but most coworking spaces do not have that allowance to have you work that late.
Working at home or working in a coworking space? Which is better?
Where did it all begin?
Over the past years, there has been emergence of remote work and types of work arrangements that allow your team to work from home or from the comfort of their location. This was all brought by the growth of technology due to the world stopping corona virus. It became the way to go for every existing companies to move forward and ensure business continues.
It was a huge transition that was forced into action even though in hinde sight we knew that eventually, that was where the corporate world was going to end up. Having meetings online from home slowly become more common to do since life as we knew it was beginning to change.
We are going to compare what it is like to work from home as compared to using a shared working space we will go over a few advantages and disadvantages of both scenarios as we explain the two concepts.
This means getting your work done from a location that is not the normal office space set up where you work full time from an office.
This works best for companies that mostly do not require physical presence of its employees. For industries like remote jobs, virtual assistance jobs or departments like field agents where being in the office would mean not having work done, this type of set-up where they work from wherever their location is, works best.
What does it mean to work from home?
One of the most important causes of low efficiency is a lack of concentration. Therefore, one of the main factors in choosing a workspace is the allowance it gives you to focus. Most of the times, working from home allows you to work from a state of rest and this improves how you handle tasks since you get to work from a point of comfort this improves your productivity level.
Advantages of working from home: Increased productivity
Advantages of working from home: No commuting
The main stress of working from a traditional office space is the idea of having to commute from home to your work place, this could cause some level of fatigue most especially if you work every day of the week, the exhaustion of the week builds up and by the time you are attending a meeting on a Friday, you can not wait for the weekend so you can get your rest in.
Working from home, is one of the most cost-effective ways to get work done, for most start-up companies that barely have enough to sustain an office space choose to have the team work from, they opt to have them work from home so as not to worry about costs of things like office utilities, or equipment.
Advantages of working from home: Saving on cost
Advantages of working from home: Flexibility
When you work from home, then it becomes easy to fit your work schedule into your day to day life, when you are able to fit your work schedule to your life you are able to plan for your day and whether you choose to work longer so you have more rest days that is totally up to you.
When you choose to work from home, you become open to exploring job opportunities that expose you to a global pool of opportunities. This increases your experience and could possibly have you work in industries that are not available in your current location.
Advantages of working from home: Exposure to global projects
These factors are very important for choosing a workspace. Everyone must first know themselves and work in both environments. After a while, evaluate the above factors and choose your work environment by comparing the results.
3 Disadvantages of working from home
Working from home has its benefits and disadvantage. Here are some disadvantages of working from home.
As we have seen in our previous blog, factors about coworking spaces, it is important to build a community in your field of practise since these are the people to take part on advancing your career and offering you advise on certain matters. This would not be possible to build while working alone at home.
When you work alone at home, the possibility of lagging behind and being unable to maintain a routine can be one of the struggles you face since there is the absence of accountability.
It is common that when you work from home, you will not lack a minute or two where you get a bit side tracked by those in the house, the chances are slim that you wake up and get ready to start work without having to attend to chores or getting tempted to spend time browsing.
Working from a coworking space
Having a work station at a shared office space means working within a community, an environment that allows you to build a community and share your experiences. In our blog about why coworking spaces are becoming more popular, we are able to see the reasons why companies result to taking up coworking spaces.
Here are 5 advantages of using a coworking space
There are a few reasons why you could choose a coworking space to set up your business some of the benefits are highlighted below.
Setting up your office at a coworking space for rent gives you access to facilities that would normally be available to people who have rental private offices. Amenities like, the internet, printing services, access to meeting rooms for your meetings and for some shared spaces, you get access to the kitchen for storing your meals.
It is common for every person to need a community most of all when you are starting out in your career for most start-ups and entrepreneurs, it is important to build a sense of community around you to work together in the event you need advice or to share leads in business. A shared coworking space allows you to gain a business community.
Having a shared coworking space is an affordable plan as compared to having to lease a private office space for you and your growing team. The costs that come with getting a serviced private office could be draining to a growing business since you would need most of your capital to increase the company’s income and make your teams working conditions bearable.
Working in a shared working space means that you have people you interact with, this helps improve your network and gets you opportunities like attending events, workshops or getting into spaces that have you staying on top of industry trends this gives you relevance in your field of practise.
2 Disadvantages of working at a coworking space
Having a shared workspace exposes you to lack of privacy, when you hold meetings you hold them in the company of the people you are sharing the work station with, unless you are able to take up a meeting room for rent to hold you meetings or pick up client calls.
For most coworking space facilities, they have set times where they operate, it can be limiting when your working hours are a bit unconventional, mostly when you work remotely, the working hours are commonly from the evening into the night but most coworking spaces do not have that allowance to have you work that late.